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Synthetic Distribution is sensitive to privacy issues on the Internet. We believe it is important for you to know how we treat the information that we receive about you while you're visiting our site.

In general, you can visit Synthetic Distribution on the World Wide Web without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself.

There are times, however, when we may need information from you, such as your name and address. When information is needed, we will try to let you know at the time of collection how we will use the personal information. Usually, the personal information we collect is used only by us to respond to your inquiry. We also ask for your name and address information when you inquire about becoming an Amsoil Dealer or Commercial or Retail Account. We do not provide any of this information to outside sources for any reason.

If you have any questions or problems please use the contact information below to contact us.

Synthetic Distribution

Joe Lee

7384 lake dr

Lino Lakes, MN 55014

Phone: 763-213-9163

Email: joe@synthetic-distribution.com

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